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Born To Return The Gift

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another 5 Star Review Posted on Amazon!

Definitly worth reading!
Amazon Review By LinB
From the very beginning "Born to Return the Gift" by Catherine E. Johnson captured my interest. Although the book is about the fictional character Nyima, the author tells of struggles that many people face every day. By the end of the book I felt that I had come to know a real person named Nyima.
Her battles with depression and post traumatic stress disorder, her bad choices in men and a life full of abuse and feelings of self worthlessness, leave Nyima questioning her purpose. The underlying spiritual message is beautiful and meaningful as Nyima struggles to find her true self - the person she was born to be. A book that is definitely worth reading.

A 5 Star Review Posted on Amazon

Thought provoking, intersting book!, April 19, 2010

By Theresa Hurley (USA)
"Born to Return the Gift" by Catherine E. Johnson is a book that keep me turning the pages as I accompanied Nyima through her struggles. A strong character, Nyima tries to find meaning in her life as she battles her personal demons - clinical depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Her life was difficult, full of bad choices. Now at the age of 50, Nyima faces a true battle within herself as she tries to become the person she was meant to be.
A great work by Catherine Johnson, the book looks at spirituality, society and the presence of God in our life. I totally enjoyed reading this book and I highly recommend it. A really great read!