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Born To Return The Gift

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Johnson Shares The Importance Of Walking In Your Calling, April 28, 2010

By C. A. Webb "Conversations Book Club" (Jackson, MS)

This review is from: Born To Return The Gift (Volume 1) (Paperback) Why are we here? If we are not in the best of circumstances, does that mean our life will never have real purpose or meaning? These are issues that author Catherine Johnson brings out in her characters in the book BORN TO RETURN THE GIFT. It lets us know through imperfect individuals that all of our have a calling on our lives. It's up to us to recognize what it is and walk in it in order to have the best life while here on earth and even beyond. Though inspirational, there is no judgment placed on those who have made mistakes in their lives. Instead, there is a recognition that falling down is just part of the process. What's important is how quickly you are able to recover and get back up.

Definitely suggest this one to others.