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Born To Return The Gift

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Relay For Life on May 6th - A Tribute To All Cancer Survivors

The Relay for Life is an annual event that takes place at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds. The Relay includes food, activities, live music, games, and fellowship. It is an awesome reception in honor of Cancer Survivors, and a myriad of fun for families and friends uniting to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. Each guest will receive a meal, goody bag, and t-shirt, and be encouraged to take part in a survivor walk.

During my chemo session this week my nurse invited me to join their team. With the information she provided I registered online, and was issued my own personal fundraising web page. To get there,  go to At Top Teams, on the far right, click view all and scroll down to GMC OTC, then scroll down and click on Catherine Johnson and click donate and/or join my team.

Although I am scheduled to continue treatments until the end of March, I already call myself a survivor! I am looking for sponsors to support me on the Gwinnett Medical Center's OTC Team, and encourage you to also support this outstanding team of nurses in their efforts to shine as bright here as they do on the job. Your donation will help them and the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. The amount you donate will also count towards my fundraising goal.
Please help to raise money for this great cause, and I will keep you updated on my progress.

Thank you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nyima Chante Robbins of 'Born To Return The Gift'

She flip flopped between caring and not caring what other people thought, but deep down she was a pleaser who just couldn't get the recipe of self + or - others right for personal success.

A mask of complacency faced the world to hide the rage brewing inside... until war is finally waged between these conflicting emotions on a spiritual battlefield where Nyima breaks through the barriers of her past to claim her rightful inheritance for the NOW.