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Born To Return The Gift

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Turn Your Economic Blight Into Passionate Bliss

It's been said, "Man does not live by bread alone."
We weren't meant to stress as much as we do. These days even our children are catching the fever. Living is more than working a job.
(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs studied in the 70's.)

If honestly told, many of us work jobs we hate in order to provide our loved ones with food, shelter, and clothing. (Not necessarily in that order.) We all know the saying, "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Translated now, I believe it means it's time to work your passion as if you were punching a clock to get 'paid'.

Our present economic climate is telling us it's time for a change. It was Obama's campaign motto and because it hasn't came yet, alot of people want to blame a sign of the times on him. It's time for all of us to stop complaining.

Whatever it is that you enjoy doing for a creative outlet, do more of it. It's a great stress reliever, and you might find you've created your own job.

It's time for us all to evolve and reach for higher ground. Remember that not one of us is alone. There are millions of us in the same predicament, and God watches over all.

If you're not feeling me...blame it on this - Right now I've got a glass of Merlot (a treat I seldom get to enjoy these days) & listening to KBLX's Quiet Storm. :)

P.S. And you could always read a good book - hint, hint!

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