Due to health and financial issues I have yet to schedule a book tour, but I have been blessed with a diagnosis clear of cancer. :) Hopefully, God willing, my situation will change in 2012. Until then, I am working diligently on my third novel, and looking for a cost effective way to get the word out about the books released to date.
I will send a free copy of one or both titles - 'Born To Return The Gift' and/or 'End All To Be All' in exchange for your personal and honest posted review on Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble. Will also provide a free coupon for anyone wishing to download from Smashwords.com in exchange for a posted review on that site.
Will expect reviews to be posted within whatever reasonable time frame you request.
If interested, please send an email to onyzproductions@yahoo.com.
In the meantime, please tell your friends about this site. A book, especially one that deals with issues common to many today, would make a wonderful gift!
And don't forget those less fortunate. There are so many starving children in the world. Please remember them during this holiday season. $25 helps 50! www.feedthechildren.org/world
Wishing everyone a happy and blessed holiday!
I will send a free copy of one or both titles - 'Born To Return The Gift' and/or 'End All To Be All' in exchange for your personal and honest posted review on Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble. Will also provide a free coupon for anyone wishing to download from Smashwords.com in exchange for a posted review on that site.
Will expect reviews to be posted within whatever reasonable time frame you request.
If interested, please send an email to onyzproductions@yahoo.com.
In the meantime, please tell your friends about this site. A book, especially one that deals with issues common to many today, would make a wonderful gift!
And don't forget those less fortunate. There are so many starving children in the world. Please remember them during this holiday season. $25 helps 50! www.feedthechildren.org/world
Wishing everyone a happy and blessed holiday!