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Born To Return The Gift

Friday, December 2, 2011

Reviewers Wanted

Due to health and financial issues I have yet to schedule a book tour, but I have been blessed with a diagnosis clear of cancer. :) Hopefully, God willing, my situation will change in 2012. Until then, I am working diligently on my third novel, and looking for a cost effective way to get the word out about the books released to date.
I will send a free copy of one or both titles - 'Born To Return The Gift' and/or 'End All To Be All' in exchange for your personal and honest posted review on Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble. Will also provide a free coupon for anyone wishing to download from in exchange for a posted review on that site. 
Will expect reviews to be posted within whatever reasonable time frame you request.
If interested, please send an email to
In the meantime, please tell your friends about this site. A book, especially one that deals with issues common to many today, would make a wonderful gift!
And don't forget those less fortunate. There are so many starving children in the world. Please remember them during this holiday season. $25 helps 50!
Wishing everyone a happy and blessed holiday!

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