I subscribe to
WORKLIFE COACHING SESSIONS and felt compelled to share today's message (January 24, 2013) . I am continually blessed and inspired by its daily teachings and hope it helps someone who is worrying about what's going on.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...(Matthew 6:25)
Layoffs. They happen. And when they happen, it's scary stuff. When my freelance writing contract was up for renewal this year, believe me, I was sweating it, too. We get used to having those paychecks show up every two weeks because they help us pay those bills that show up every month, right? It's only natural to be concerned when people are cleaning out their desks all around you. But don't worry.
Worry never changed a thing. When I was waiting to hear whether I'd be "rehired" by my company, my husband said the most comforting thing to me. He said, "Honey, that company is not your source. God is your source." Such wisdom from such a cutie! He's right.
No matter what is going on all around you; no matter how many people are packing up their offices; no matter what state the economy is in; no matter how many pink slips are circulating; no matter what - God is your source. Philippians 4:19 (NLT) says, "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." So don't worry. God is still on the throne, and heaven's economy is just fine!
Lord, I know you tell me to not worry, but it's hard not to. It's in my nature to worry when circumstances make financial security look shaky. Help me to depend only on You, not on my company or my own abilities. Lord, I trust You with my job and my finances and give them over to You. Amen. "
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Now, as testament to God and the fact that He is no respective of persons and gives guidance to all who ask, I'm sharing
my story about WORRY.
One day I prayed about whether I should unpublish my work and try something else to occupy my mind and time. Maybe try something else that could pay some old bills rather than creating new ones by trying to promote something not many seem interested in reading. I received an answer similar to
'My grace is sufficient', but I was also compelled to make a post a few days later. On January 5th I posted the message below to
Onyz Productions on facebook knowing that I was not going to give up getting the word out about my books regardless to my own Inabilities.
When you feel like giving up on whatever you're trying to accomplish, pray for direction. Believing in the source of your power, you'll be blessed with the strength to keep pushing on and discover your breakthrough is beyond and above the horizon you imagined as an obstacle today.
Do you think these messages are the same or just that one compliments the other?