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Born To Return The Gift

Sunday, April 7, 2013

4.0 out of 5 stars Everyone Deserves To Be Loved

By Mshell09 This review is for: Born To Return The Gift (Paperback) Catherine E. Johnson, does a nice job in getting the reader to truly care about the main character Nyima. She experiences problems and situations that are very real and easy for the reader to relate to. She hasn't had an easy life, and doesn't always choose the best way to cope with them, but to her it is all she knows. Nyima doesn't feel that she deserves to have a loving relationship which is obvious by the choices she has made in her past which only increased her insecurities and feelings of unworthiness. As she starts to believe that everyone deserves to be loved and experience a loving relationship we are taken along on her journey of self empowerment and acceptance as she confronts the demons of her past. I think this book would be perfect for anyone and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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