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Born To Return The Gift

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone!

May your days be filled with the sharing of extraordinary peace & love.
Stay blessed and be safe in whatever way you chose to enjoy the season.

Friday, December 17, 2010

5.0 out of 5 stars are latest reviews posted to Amazon November 28, 2010

By cinnor67 - : Born To Return The Gift (Paperback)

Catherine E. Johnson has written a poignant story about overcoming life's speedbumps and persevering over all. I couldn't put the book down! You feel as if you are living the heroines life with her. Ms. Johnson manages to put you right in the middle of the story. I'm sure many people can relate to her struggles with depression and low self-esteem. Can't wait for her next book!! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

By Cindy U. - : Born To Return The Gift (Paperback)

Born to Return the Gift by Catherine E. Johnson is a well written story about one womans struggle with depression, addiction and abuse. While the story deals with some difficult issues, it is truly a faith based story that has you routing for Nyima throughout. It renews your faith and gives you faith that good things can come to all, despite your circumstances.