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Born To Return The Gift

Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Review of 'Destroyer' (Abadden) by John R. Dizon

Onyz Productions' mission is to intrigue the mind, prick the heart, and incite the spirit.  Because caring is sharing, I am compelled to share my review of this novel by John R. Dizon, which I was blessed to receive by electronic copy after it's release September 24th. ¡
Dios trabaja de modos misteriosos!

5 out of 5 Stars - ALLEGIANCE vs. REDEMPTION

DESTROYER  futuristically takes place after the crippling effect of a second attack by extremist suicide bombers. The Organized Religion Act and The Hate Crime Act are enacted to make all religious organizations illegal. It is the dawning of repeating the ancient history of persecution and violence. A micro chip inserted under the skin is the Federal ID system, and high tech surveillance systems with metallic voices secure blocks of New York City. A Great Depression has resulted in a housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of homeless people are driven underground to live in subway tunnels and sewer systems; while rich yuppies, wealthy politicians, and gold plated drug dealers rule life above ground - Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Richard McCain has served twenty years in the military's Special Forces unit where he earned a Silver Star and Purple Heart. Upon his release, he finds solace in alcohol for the atrocities he's witnessed, and finds renewed purpose as a soldier in God's army. Like Job, this act costs him everything that makes life meaningful, and he has a deep scar between the muscle of his thumb and his wrist from popping his chip out. After a bombing in the subway system destroys thousands of innocent lives, he is thrust into spiritual turmoil.

His estranged wife, Agnes, contacts him after the border is opened to immigrants following a Mexico City bombing. Her young sister, who fled Columbia after the cartel made her a widow, is believed to be in the area. Even though it could possibly be a set-up because his wife's current lover is entrenched in Capital Hill, he agrees to take a hiatus from his ministry. Unbeknownst to them, Sandra Flores, who is a rising star over Homeland Securities' ICE department, secretly discovers her mother has made contact with the man she despises - her stepfather. She uses Machiavellian skills she has learned from her mother, to meet department objectives to destroy the resistance, and him with it. During a recruitment interview with Richard's nephew, she alludes that his employment is contingent on his willingness to expunge him.

Damien (Day) Blakely, who has been raised to believe religion only serves people lacking direction and is an opiate that renders its believers worthless to society, is thrilled by her cunning. The millionaire's personal agenda for a position within H.S. is to introduce DNA sampling for use with satellite tracking systems in specific areas to eradicate religion once and for all. Hatred for the man disowned by his grandparents sunk to treacherous depths following numerous crack houses being taken out of commission. Richard's execution would serve two purposes because his criminal conspirators suspect him of being the people's vigilante for Divine Justice - aka Abadden (Hebrew), the Destroyer.

John R. Dizon has created an explosive page turning Christian novel with plenty of action and history which will provoke thoughts about the illusion of freedom in contrast to parallel realities of free will that according to prophecy: as the end time draws near...many shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.  This book is Highly Recommended for everyone - adventure seekers, truth slayers, and believers.

Born To Return The Gift & End All To Be All

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