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Born To Return The Gift

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Smashwords Bio - Catherine E. Johnson

As a young child I loved to read, but never dreamed of being a writer. . .but here I am.

As an adult I read mostly nonfiction, but one day it dawned on me how elements of nonfiction could merge with fiction in a way to shed light on the darkness of reality.

A story that shares familiar pains, but from an unfamiliar point of view could possibly empower and inspire; or at least provoke readers to think about how they themselves are living. Young adults who think they know everything there is to know about life already, could benefit from a different perspective without personal blemish, and be inspired to focus on making the right choices to make the world a better place for themselves and everyone around them.

Being an author is a brand new experience for me. I did not make the decision to become one in search of fame or fortune. Of course it would be nice to have a best seller; earn an achievement award, or even just supplement my income; but that is not the reason I write. I write because I wish to inspire and empower others . God is real and regardless of a person's name, upbringing, or personal mistakes, everyone is entitled to His blessings.

I realize not everyone believes in God and those that do may not share the same beliefs; but we ARE all united by faith. I only hope that 'Born To Return The Gift' and its sequel, 'End All To Be All' provokes the reader who does not feel worthy of God's promise, or doesn't believe in a God, to open their heart and consider an alternative reality and the possibilities involved. Most importantly l hope readers cease judging people like books by their cover alone.

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